Me and my best friend was at the beach and when we got into the water a current start pulling us deep into the middle of the ocean. We drifted far away from land until we seen a pile of smooth rock stack from the bottom of the ocean to just above the surface of the water, we climbed onto the rocks finally out of the water. My friend said “thank God we found these rocks, now we’re out of the water”. And I replied “not really” . As soon as I said not really an earthquake shook the oceans floor and the rocks we were on fell down and now we were back into the water. Until we seen people on sea does, we flagged them down, they saved us and took us to there island which the told us it is the first all black island and nobody knows of it! And the pile of rocks we were on was a mark they put there to mark a certain spot!
This dream can represent feelings of being overwhelmed or feeling out of control in a situation in your waking life. The ocean and the strong current pulling you and your best friend can symbolize powerful emotions or forces that are pulling you away from stable ground or familiar surroundings. The rocks could symbolize a temporary sense of security or stability that you found amidst chaos but ultimately proved to be unreliable.
The earthquake in the dream could symbolize unexpected challenges or disruptions that can shake up your sense of security or stability. However, the appearance of the people on sea does and being saved by them could suggest that there are supportive and helpful resources or individuals around you in times of need.
The discovery of the all-black island could represent a sense of discovery, uniqueness, or finding a new perspective or way of being. This dream may encourage you to explore new opportunities or aspects of yourself that are less known or recognized, tapping into hidden strengths and resources. It's a reminder that even in times of chaos and uncertainty, there are ways to find safety, support, and new beginnings.